Art deco bronze bust of lady with a dove. Signed. Foundry mark

Signed "Marty".
Circa 1930 patinated bronze sculpture.
Foundry mark "Delgorge" and "cire perdue" (lost wax).

I have seen a similar sculpture on the internet said to be by "Genevieve Granger" with no possibility to check signature.
Perhaps "Marty" is one of her pseudonym.

Excellent condition. French. 1930's.
28cm high 20.5cm width.

We have very few informations about Delgorge Foundry. This foundry seems to have been active from the end of XIXth century ( a monument from 1898 in L'Isle Sur Tarn, France, by Jean Riviere, stamped with same foundry mark)... few other pieces from early XXth century. And also pieces from the 50's and 60's. A Paul Belmondo relief also edited by this foundry.