Maurice Esmein, Oil on canvas, 1915 Cubist Port view

Maurice Esmein (1888-1918)

Cubist Port View. 1915
Oil on canvas.
65cm 54cm
81cm 70cm with frame.
Signed +
Signed and dated on back frame.

Maurice Esmein

French artist born in Paris, he is the nephew of the painter Julien Le Blant. Self-taught artist, Maurice is known in the history of the small masters for having contributed to the cubist adventure. He frequents Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris and George Braque at Bateau Lavoir. He is studying medicine at the same time as he paints. Friend of the painter Jean Buhot, he favors painting to the medical career. He worked in Belgium and Holland, took a workshop in Montmartre in 1912, exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants in 1914. The painter died in the war, following his enlistment as an auxiliary physician. Although his career is dazzling, he is no less brilliant. His premature death does not overshadow the praiseworthy criticism of his art.
sold 11 2019 (USA)
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