Baron Rausch Von Traubenberg russian impressionist sculpture
A green patinated bronze figure cast from a model by Russian sculptor Baron Constantine Rausch de Traubenberg,
signed in the bronze,
impressed foundry mark for A.Valsuani
L36cm H26cm
Baron Rausch Von Traubenberg
Born in St Petersburg (1871) in the family of Baron Konstantin Paul Eduard Rausch von Traubenberg (1847–1898) and Elisabeth Montrésor (1848–1906). Graduated from the Corps des Pages in St Petersburg. Studied under Igor Grabar at Anton Ažbè’s school of art in Munich (1898–99), under Adolf von Hildebrandt at the Königliche Akademie der Künste in Munich (late 1890s) and at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence (early 1900s). Advised by Prince Paolo Troubetzkoy and Auguste Rodin in Paris (1907–08). Designed models for the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St Petersburg (from 1908). Emigrated to Paris (1920). Died in Paris and buried at the Cimetière de Thiais (1935). Contributed to exhibitions of Russian art in Paris (1907), World of Art (1911, 1917), The World of Art: On the Centenary of the Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Artists in 1898 at the Ateneumin taidemuseo in Helsinki (1998) and the Russian Museum in St Petersburg (1998–99) and All Creatures Great and Small: Russian Animal Art (18th to 21st Centuries) at the Russian Museum in St Petersburg (2004).