Pomona. Art deco 49" by Montane

Spanish Spring - Pomona

Stunning art deco patinated terracotta sculpture.
49" high (125cm).
Circa 1930.

When I baught this sculpture, no signature was visible. The base top was covered with a  very dirty and thick layer of dust and fat substance. I finally decided to remove it taking risk to remove patina. But  good  surprise, a signature appeared : "Montane" for :

(Torredembarra, 1893-Torredembarra, 1978)

Trained at the Llotja School of Barcelona, he moved to Paris in 1912 where he lived and worked until 1915. His creative arena is the world of animals and his best work is produced when he simplifies shapes, reducing their volumes to the essential features.

Full biography : http://sae.altanet.org/houmuni/web/mamtpedagogic/primer-i-segon-cicle/escultura/ciutat/ciutat_obra7.php

REFERENCE: montane0312

on hold 11 2013

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